Saturday, June 10, 2017

What is the Right Food to Eat?

Our body is like a machine that needs fuel to make them work. Our body needs food that contains minerals for energy to do our daily activities.

We need carbohydrates to give us energy. Foods like rice, bread, corn, and pasta are the basic source of energy.

These are the foods that make our muscles strong. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, and beans are the foods that have the high source of protein.

Vitamins help our body work well. Fruits and vegetables are foods that rich in vitamins.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Headache, sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and watery eyes those are some symptoms of having a colds. It is so irritating that sometimes it can ruin your day! Well, I already had that and it is totally disgusting, I feel very tired and I don’t feel like doing anything just to stay in my bed.
There are many different viruses that cause colds- rhinoviruses, corona viruses. Rhinoviruses, the worst delinquents, are most dynamic in early fall, spring, and summer. Corona viruses, these cold viruses are most dynamic in the winter and early spring. The common cold is spread either by direct contact with infected secretions from contaminated surfaces or by inhaling the airborne virus after individuals sneeze or cough. Person-to-person transmission frequently occurs when an individual who has a cold blows or touches their nose and then touches someone.
How colds be treated? There are several ways colds can be treated. Drink plenty of water or juice to help break up your congestion. It will prevent dehydration. Drink at least 8-10 cups of water daily. Foods rich in vitamins A and C are extensively suggested. They consist of oranges, kiwi, and tomatoes for vitamin C, and sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli for vitamin A.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is the time when children and teenagers are excited for, IT IS SUMMER! Summer has arrived. This means long fun-filled days for many. The people are excited for vacations, beach and pool parties. People have a chance to take a rest from the busy and exhausting school and work. The weather is so appropriate to go out from the house and stroll around the city. But to much good is bad. We all know that sun emits light rays that have ultra-violet rays that merely affect our skin. We don’t care, because we want and desire only to enjoy summer.

The so much excessive exposure to sun may cause sunburn. This is so painful and so irritable. Redness of skin, pain and peeling of skin are some of the effects. It is only less than 15 minutes for the light-skinned and about an hour for dark-skinned person to get sun burn. Skin damage cause by sun burn might not so negligible but if we will not give attention to it would come severe. Blisters will occur with fluid accumulation and peeling of large areas of skin. In conclusion, anywhere from first to a third degree burn might come along. Everyone, even dark skinned persons, are at risk for sunburn.

These are some precautions to avoid Sunburn and the worst one melanoma, the skin cancer:

· We should limit the amount of exposure to sun.

· Avoid the worst and most intense sun hours. It from 10am to 3pm.

· A person must wear sun screens and UV filtering sun glasses to protect the eye.

· Wear sunscreen when you are swimming in an outdoor pool and beach. You can get sunburns while swimming.

· Dermatologist recommends using sunscreens that has SPF of 30 or even higher.

· Sunscreens must be applied 15 to 30 minutes before going out into the sun and should be applied often.

· Apply lip balm to protect the lips fro, the harmful sun rays.

“Sick individual make a sick community, and sick communities make a sick world.”

These facts present squarely the problems of health the prevention rather than the cure of illness not only of the individual but also of the communities and the world.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Urinary Tract Infection

50% of all women has urinary tract infection (UTI), this is a common sexual health issue for many women. A urinary tract infection is an infection involving kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. These are structures that urine passes through before being eliminated from the body.

*Bacteria from the bowel that live on the skin near the rectum or in the vagina are the common cause of UTI, which can spread and enter the urinary tract through the Urethra.
* Sexual intercourse is also a common cause of UTI. A women that having sex with different partners or having sexual intercourse more frequently.
* Waiting too long to urinate can also cause urinary tract infection.

*Pressure in the lower pelvis, burning, painful sensation while urinating.
*Blood in the urine and abnormal odor of urine.
*Urinating more frequently.
*Fever, nausea, chills, vimiting.
*Need to urinate at night.
*Bloody, cloudy, or abnormal color of urine.

*Take a shower instead of tub baths.
*After urinating, wipe your vagina with a clean tissue from front to back.
*Do not hold it when you need to urinate.
*Cleanse the genital area before and after having sexual intercourse.
*Avoid using feminine hygiene sprays and scented douches.
*Drink plenty of water everyday.
*Take Vitamin-C supplement regularly.
*Consult your OB to prevent UTI.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Allergy Attack!

Allergy is a disorder of the immune system which is form of hypersensitivity. Well, I can really relate myself in this topic. I am suffering from skin allergy attack since year 2007 and until now I don't know how to get rid of this! I've been gone to the doctor for check up but they can't give me exact medicine to cure my allergies, all they have is just to prevent the allergy to attack. Yes it did worked, but not for a long time, my allergies keeps on attacking me whenever I eat poultry products, shrimps, and other foods that can trigger my allergies. So what I did was searched everything about allergy in the internet, and find what to do with this. And here's how.

*Use fragrance free product when suffering from skin allergies.
*Use good moisturizing lotion, it will prevent the skin from drying out.
*Use detergents that is suitable for people that have allergies, these products are usually soap free and scents free.
*Do not change your cosmetics frequently.
*Leafy green vegetables contains vitamins and minerals which nourishes our skin.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Herbs and Drugs comparison

Herbs are different in synthetic drugs, herbs provide a synergistic array of compounds created by nature to enhance individual action against disease to avoid any detrimental side effects. In an attempt to isolate the active components of medicinal plants, drug researchers have inadvertently created a pharmaceutical monster. By assuming that only one of the primary chemical constituents of plants is therapeutically valuable, they have cast aside the so-called "inactive" compounds which played a profound role in biochemical acceptance of the whole plant in the human body. Isolated, mimicked or potentiated drug compounds are not equivalent to the whole plant or herb.
By refining or synthesizing various compounds, toxicity is created. In other words, because they are presented to the body stripped of other substances that act as balancing agents, these artificial compounds are not well received by the body.
In most cases, each of a drug's therapeutic effects comes with a negative side effect. Granted, the newly created drug may be more potent, administered with great precision and easier to ingest, but the human body has a tendency to recognized it as a foreign and unnatural substance. As a result, a chain of a desirable physiological reactions occurs. Frequently, the body reacts to synthetic and powerful compounds much as it would to a poison.
The bottom line is that nature usually knows best. It is important, though, to remember that unlike the potent, quick and sometimes dangerous effects of synthetic drugs or analogs, herbs works slowly. Rather than masking symptoms, herbs intrinsically heal - and their side effects are longer lasting.
While plants have provided medicine with some of it's best drugs, artificial synthesis of chemical compounds found in specific plants has unfortunately suffered the search for new and better plant sources. Synthesized compounds can be patented, but often, the enormous amount of money needed to bring that compound into therapeutic dispersion is difficult to recoup.
European and Asian countries have continued to study and value the use of herbal preparations and are far ahead of the United States in regard to herbal medicines and their practical applications. Phytomedicinals are largely sold in these countries where laws requiring their safety and efficacy are more reasonable than in an American communities.

Source: 365 Days to Health & Wellness by: Espie Chinel Aparis